Friday, February 26, 2010

What is your favorite House episode or quote?

I love them all. I always say ';that`s the best one'; until another one comes along. Here`s a great site with House quotes. Enjoy!!!鈥?/a>What is your favorite House episode or quote?
I like the episode where he finds a connection with his female patient located in the antartica or somewhere similar (via the web). I thought it was awesome and was hoping they would get together in the end and create a passionate romance or fall in love or something. Boy was I dissapointed. My favorite quote: Everyone lies, the only difference is what they lie about. I also like his quotes on atheism but I don't remember any to quote right now.

Edit to Squall: I remember that episode (I like the actress who plays the patient) and that was a funny bit. It still shocks me whenever I watch it because of the what caused the illness. Kinda creeps me out.What is your favorite House episode or quote?
I'm not sure how it exactly goes but here is a summary:

Patient's boyfriend:';Yeah, I know she (the patient) is allergic to penicillin, but only I took it.';

House:';But you had sex with her that night right?';

Boyfriend:';Yeah, but penicillin can't go through that stuff.... Wait.... can it?!?!';

House:';Yes. But its not all that bad. Whenever the nurse on the third floor gets a headache, I take the aspirin';

HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! Laughed my head off!!!
no idea

but can you answer some of mine and i think you know who this is cause you know me

my name starts with a jiy***.

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